"I am very fortunate to have been able to support myself through the years doing work I enjoy, surrounded by family, friends and pets in a beautiful setting."

I’ve been drawing and creating art since I was very young. I never had much formal training; most of what I do, I learned by doing, and studying with other artists. Began doing graphic design and production work in San Francisco in the '70s, pre- computers (the old-fashioned way: paste-up, typesetting). Introduced to the Mac in its early years (mid-'80s), I moved into graphic design, animation and interactive media. During those years I also did a lot of drawing and comics. Started Blue Heron Multimedia in 1992 in Marin County, CA. (Plenty beautiful blue herons in the nearby marshes.)
Moved to Hawai’i in 1993, where I have continued doing illustration and graphic design for print and e-media, for local and mainland clients. Most of the illustration work has been for children's books used in the Hawaiian language immersion school program.
After moving to Hawai’i, I also began doing a lot more fine art: painting, printmaking, sculpture. I have participated in numerous art shows and exhibitions (group, juried, solo) and have works in various galleries and collections on the islands.
I am very fortunate to have been able to support myself through the years doing work I enjoy, surrounded by family, friends and pets in a beautiful setting.